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Washoe County Mounted Horse
Unit Auxiliary

Sergeant Fitzmier
Sgt. Todd "Fitz" Fitzmier and his horse, Peso

Deputy Hart
Deputy Heather Hart and her horse, Tango.

Deputy Lum
Deputy Allan Lum and his horse, Maximus.

Detective Trisha "Toddi" Fitzmier
Det. Trisha "Toddi" Fitzmier and her horse, Lacey.

Sergeant Craig Turner
Sergeant Craig Turner and his horse, Olaf.

Deputy Siminoe
Deputy Christina Siminoe and her horse, Jolene.

Deputy Hughes
Deputy Anja Hughes and her horse Chief

Deputy Barnes
Deputy Cody Barnes and his horse, Fresno

Deputy Wessler
Deputy Ross Wessler with Goliath

Deputy Walsh
Deputy Cassandra Walsh and her horse, Gemma
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