Washoe County Mounted Horse
Unit Auxiliary

About Our Organization
Who Are We?
What is the WCMHUA? We are a nonprofit organization established to help raise funds in our community for the expenses, upkeep, training and veterinary care of the Washoe County Sheriff’s Mounted Horse Unit.
Our Deputies currently own their own horses, pay for their feed, supplements, farrier visits, annual veterinary care as well as any emergency care regardless of where it occurs. If a horse is injured on duty, the deputy is responsible for any emergency care needed. Each deputy pays for fuel for any transportation to and from events that they are engaged in as well.
What Do We Do?
We are located in Reno, NV and committed to supporting our area mounted horse units through raising funds, holding events and bringing community awareness to the incredible job our "ten foot deputies" do in Washoe County.
We are working with individuals, businesses and organizations to build an indoor regional training facility for our mounted horse units which would allow for multi unit training and practice. This would be an incredible asset for our Sheriff’s department as well as other regional and multi state training programs.
How Can You Get Involved?
We have various events throughout the year and need volunteers to help. We would love to talk to you so please email us at info@WCMHUA.org
Monetary donations are essential to support ongoing projects. We truly appreciate our community partners because without your help, we can not reach our goals.